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Neurological disorder deals with brain, spine and the nervous system connects them. These disorder affects the central and peripheral nervous system. Some of the Neurological Disorders are Epilepsy, Alzheimer disease and other dementias as well as less familiar ones such as frontotemporal dementia. Cerebrovascular disease includes stroke and migraine. It also includes headache disorders, multiple sclerosis, Parkinson's disease, neuroinfections, brain tumours, traumatic disorders of the nervous system due to Brain injury, and neurological disorders because of malnutrition.
Paroxysmal discharges from groups of neurons are the major cause of seizures, which may due to excessive excitation or loss of inhibition. The synapse is the key unit of neurotransmission and Ion channels are the fundamental components of synapses. The occurrence of seizures leads to malfunction of ion channels. This comes under Neurocytology. CNS infection can be a life-threatening condition, especially for children with weakened immune systems.
Seizure Semiology is a tool which is simple and cost effective that allows in the localization of symptomatogenic zone. Neurobiology is the study of both Biology and Neuroscience. As part of simple partial seizures, they often manifest in the fully awake state. They are associated to different degrees of disturbed consciousness. The beginning symptom leads to classic seizure or impairment of consciousness are referred to as Epileptic aura.
Neuropsychiatric disorders are also known as mental disorders results in diseases originate from nervous system. It includes Addictions, Childhood and development, Eating disorders, Degenerative disorders, Mood disorders, Neurotic disorders, psychosis and Sleep disorders. In Alzheimer’s disease the memory gets disturbed and whereas attention deficit is primarily affected in patients with ADHD (Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder).
Seizures are the major presenting feature of an inborn error of metabolism. The major symptom includes reduced level of consciousness in a child with an organic acidaemia or urea cycle defect. Intake of more fructose foods leads to damage of liver and kidney. Hereditary fructose intolerance results in seizures, coma, and death from kidney and liver failure. Excess isovaleric acid in blood results in isovaleric acidemia which affects the brain and nervous system.
Congenital malformation is major risk in children of mothers with epilepsy. Traumatic injury due to accidents can cause Epilepsy. Brain conditions that causes Epilepsy are brain tumours and stroke. The leading cause of epilepsy is stroke for people with age group more than 35. A mutation in a person’s genes can put him or her at risk of developing epilepsy. Often, these are the genes that control the excitability of nerve cells (neurons) in the brain. Around 40 percent of epilepsy is due to Genetic predisposition.
Seizure starts in one side of the brain is called focal onset. It is also known as focal seizure or partial seizure. Sometimes seizure affects the whole brain. It is known as secondary generalization. Generalized tonic-clonic seizure is also called as Grand-mal seizure which is caused by abnormal electrical activity of the brain. Febrile seizures are most common in 12-18 months kids during a fever. Normally seizure lasts for few minutes and accompanied by a fever.
In United States, new technology is used, that is Vagus nerve stimulation. Recently Europe and some other countries are using deep brain stimulation of anterior thalamus for Partial epilepsy. Anti-epileptic drugs (AEDs) plays a major role in the treatment of epilepsy. Correct medication can stop people having seizures up to 70%. AED doesn’t help once the seizure has started that is they can stop seizures from happening. In some children, epileptic seizures can be reduced by cannabidiol which is nonpsychoactive component of marijuana.
Severe myoclonic epilepsy of infancy is known as dravet syndrome. It is a type of epilepsy triggered by fever. Panayiotopoulos syndrome occurs in normal children called idiopathic epilepsy. Lennox-gastaut syndrome is a form of severe epilepsy that is characterized by multiple seizures and intellectual disability, usually between ages 3 and 5. Landau Kleffner syndrome is also childhood disorder. It is characterized by the loss of language comprehension and verbal expression in with severely abnormal electroencephalographic (EEG) findings during sleep and clinical seizures
The Genetic mutations which causes dysfunction in both ligand and voltage-gated ion channels results in different types of epilepsy. Thus, ion channels are important players in genetic epilepsies. Several ion channel genes have Epileptogenic mutations and can be considered as channelo- pathies. Symptomatic Epilepsy is an Epilepsy due to an injury, infection, congenital brain malformation, a tumour or metabolic disorder.
Seizures are caused by abnormal electrical activity of the Brain. If he is getting frequent seizures, then it is said to be as Epilepsy. Neurologist describes about the Diagnosis and Treatment of these Disorders. Epilepsy Syndrome is a factor that influences Seizure. Some of the cognitive complaints are Mental Slowness, Memory Deficits and Attention Deficits. Seizures causes rapid drop in pressure and results in low blood sugar levels.
The Ketogenic diet helps in the treatment of Epilepsy. Maintaining proper diet with all Vitamin supplements can reduce the risk of Epilepsy. Avoid using alcohols and drugs and get plenty of sleep during nights. Anticonvulsants are pharmacological agents used in the treatment of epilepsy. Intravenous immunoglobulin treatment represents a best approach and its good results has important implications for epilepsy treatment.
An implantable device predicts seizures occurrence and gives a stimulus to stop it. To check viability of these devices, it brings experts together in epilepsy, bio-engineering and dynamical system theory. In the improvement of epileptic systems, we include the topics like seizure prediction, neural synchronization, wave phenomena in excitable media, and the control of neural dynamics using electrical stimuli.
Patients have a diagnosis of Localization Related Epilepsy(LRE), but it is difficult to classify them as lesional or non lesional for treatment reasons. To diagnose the unusual electrical activity in the brain of people with epilepsy, we use an Electroencephalogram(EEG). Small sensors are used in the scalp to pick up the electrical signals, when the brain cells communicate each other. Brain scan can be used to spot the causes of epilepsy like tumours or due to stroke or scarring in the brain. Magnetic Resonance Imaging(MRI) is the main scan used here.
Synchronized discharge of cortical neurons are seen in Epilepsy. This synchronized discharge is treated with convulsant such as penicillin, picrotoxin, or bicuculline. Bursting of one cell can excites all the following cells, thus increasing number of cells leads to simultaneous discharge. Burst of Action Potential of presynaptic cell can activate action potential in postsynaptic cell. The Activity of one neuron in the population can produce spontaneous discharge in a neuronal population.
In Epilepsy, Neuronal Synchronization plays a major role in the formation of the seizures. Synchronization of local neuronal assemblies is the fundamental brain processes such as perception, learning, and cognition. Neuronal Synchrony can be measured by Linear cross-correlation and mean phase coherence of local field potentials. Epileptic brain is characterized by increased neuronal synchrony. Only prior to seizure the neuronal synchrony may decrease.
Brain is body’s control centre and part of nervous system. If your brain gets damaged it may affect many things like memory, sensation and personality. Schizophrenia is a disorder which affects a person’s ability to think, feel and behave. Autism is a serious developmental disorder that impairs the ability to communicate and interact. Bipolar disorder associated with mood swings ranging from depressive low to highs. Dementia is group of thinking and social symptoms that interfaces with daily functioning.
Case study refers to the in depth analysis and here it deals with the analysis of epilepsy patients and reports from doctors who had treated epilepsy patients. This will include the battle stories of persons suffered from epilepsy and their experiences and principles to overcome epilepsy and its effects. People who had been through different types of epilepsy can discuss about their experiences and opinions towards treatment of epilepsy and ways to overcome it.